i had to kill a lot of zombies to they fuqed me up | state of decay lifeline gameplay

2017-03-20 4

i had to kill a lot of zombies to they fuqed me up | state of decay lifeline gameplay
In this video we go on a killing spree in STATE OF DECAY LIFELINE until our spree gets stopped and we end up getting eaten !! I hope you enjoy watching my i had to kill a lot of zombies to they fuqed me up | state of decay lifeline gameplay video,Thanks for taking the time to view my video/stream I hope you enjoyed watching it! If you did enjoy it you why not hit the like,subscribe and bell button it only takes half a min! If you dont want to miss my other videos or live streams and want to be the next #legend to join the family you know what to do! hopefully see you all again in the next next livestream and once again thanks for watching..
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